Tummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty) in Panama City Beach, FL

Want to get tummy tuck surgery in Panama City Beach? Whether you live in Panama City, or you’re just visiting for vacation, Florida is no place to be self-conscious of your stomach! The balmy, beautiful days that last year-round here make bikinis and other mid-drift revealing clothing the norm. If you, like many women, are unhappy with having a little extra fat on your midsection, tummy tuck surgery might be just for you! A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a procedure that helps you to achieve that flat, taut stomach that you had once upon a time (before children) or perhaps for the first time ever!

Want to Find Out if a Tummy Tuck is Right for You?

Do you wish you could get rid of that stomach “pooch” but are finding it difficult to do with just diet and exercise alone? You might be the perfect candidate for tummy tuck surgery* if you:

  • Have loose, hanging skin on your abdomen from pregnancy, aging or weight loss
  • Have stubborn stomach fat that won’t go away no matter how well you eat or how often you exercise
  • Are not currently pregnant, and are not planning to get pregnant in the future
  • Are at a stable weight, and are not planning on losing a significant amount of weight
  • Are in good health overall, and have no serious medical conditions
  • Are not looking at tummy tuck surgery as weight loss surgery (to remove a large amount of weight)
  • Are not using tummy tuck surgery as a replacement for proper diet and exercise habits

*Prior to having tummy tuck surgery, talk to Dr. McAllister about the medications and vitamins you are taking. Certain medications that increase the risk of bleeding such as aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (e.g., ibuprofen) and some vitamins/homeopathic regimens should be discontinued prior to any elective surgery. Also, if you are a smoker, it is recommended that you stop smoking well in advance of the surgery, as smoking can affect your body’s ability to heal.

What Can You Expect During Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Our tummy tuck surgery at Coastal Plastic Surgery Institute is an outpatient procedure that takes about one to three hours to accomplish. General anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation is administered to ensure your comfort. The procedure involves a horizontal incision made low on the abdomen, in the pubic area, from which point the skin is elevated from the abdomen and the excess fat and skin is removed. The abdominal muscles may also be tightened at this point. The remaining skin is then redraped over the abdomen, where it is gently pulled tauter than before for a smoother, flatter stomach appearance. The belly button is repositioned to a higher and more natural-looking position on the abdomen, where it is sutured into place. Sutures are also used to close the incision on the abdomen.

What is Tummy Tuck Recovery Like?

You will need to plan for someone to drive you home and preferably stay with you for 24 to 48 hours after surgery, as you will need some assistance. Dr. McAllister will place you in a compression garment to help with healing and to protect your abdomen as it heals. You can expect a moderate amount of swelling and bruising for the first few weeks, disappearing completely after one to two months. Pain medication will be prescribed for you to help you with any discomfort. Avoid lifting anything over 10 pounds for the first six weeks after surgery. To ensure a healthy recovery, it is also important to refrain from smoking during this period, since smoking adversely affects your body’s ability to heal itself. Most of Dr. McAllister’s tummy tuck patients can return to office work after two weeks.

You will have a scar low on your abdomen from surgery; this scar is comparable to a C-section scar, and will fade over time. Tummy tuck scars gradually fade over time, though it may take up to one year for your scar to fade completely. Since the scar is so low on the abdomen, it is easily hidden by underwear or bikini bottoms. Make sure to wear a sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 on your scars when in the sun (or tanning bed) for the first six months after surgery.

Tummy Tuck FAQ

When is the best time to schedule a tummy tuck?

The best time to schedule tummy tuck is when you feel confident in your decision to undergo the procedure and the plastic surgeon you have selected. You should also have a stable weight (close to your ideal weight). Women who wish to restore their pre-baby body should wait at least six months following pregnancy. Because future weight gain can stretch out the skin and abdominal muscles, Dr. McAllister recommends that women wait to have tummy tuck until they are done having biological children.

What should I expect during my tummy tuck consultation?

During your initial consultation, Dr. McAllister will examine your abdomen and evaluate your complete medical history. He will also explain the details of the procedure, possible risks, pre- and post-op concerns and treatment costs.

Dr. McAllister will ask you to describe your cosmetic concerns and goals. It is important for you to be completely candid so the surgeon can create a treatment plan that best achieves your desired results. You will also be able to view before-and-after photos of other patients so you can better visualize the results you can expect.

What is a mini tummy tuck?

A mini tummy tuck, also known as a modified tummy tuck, targets excess skin and fat that are located on the lower abdomen only. A mini tummy tuck is a less complex version of traditional tummy tuck and does not repair weak or damaged abdominal muscles or loose skin and fat on the upper abdomen. The procedure involves creating a smaller incision and a quicker recovery than traditional tummy tuck. Dr. McAllister can determine which tummy tuck technique is right for you following an in-person consultation.

Is tummy tuck painful?

Because tummy tuck is performed under general or local anesthesia, the procedure is not painful. Some pain and soreness after surgery is normal; our team can prescribe oral pain medication to minimize discomfort.

What are possible risks associated with tummy tuck?

When performed by a board certified plastic surgeon, tummy tuck is a low-risk and successful procedure. However, as with all surgical procedures, there are risks involved. Rare risks involve infection, blood clotting, scarring and excessive bleeding. Dr. McAllister can go over all of the possible risks and complications in detail with you during your initial consultation.

Can I speed up my recovery?

Although it is normal to want to return to your regular life immediately after surgery, we strongly advise against it. A key factor in successful tummy tuck results is the recovery period. Skipping bed rest and resuming normal activities too soon (e.g., returning to work, exercise, bending or lifting) can compromise the beauty of your slimmer tummy and even lead to serious complications. Depending on your personal healing progress, Dr. McAllister might recommend you take more time off to recover. Most patients agree that taking all the time off necessary is well worth the beautiful results of tummy tuck.

How long will my tummy tuck results last?

The results from tummy tuck can last for many years. The best way to maintain your tighter and firmer abdomen is by eating healthily and exercising regularly.

Want to Tighten Your Tummy? Call Us!

Schedule a consultation with Dr. McAllister by calling Coastal Plastic Surgery Institute at (850) 233-7674.


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